"Kevin," David interrupted, "what the Germans should have done was show the Russians a dead cat and ask them to explain it."   "That would have stopped the Soviet offensive right there," I said. "Zhukov would still be trying to account for the cat's…

Címkék: 1547

silence is sexy

 2009.11.18. 11:16


- unfortunately+ you have to be a visionary- to see it 

Címkék: hal

 2009.11.05. 13:36

Censoren ——  ——  ——  ————  ——  ——  ——  ——  ——  ——  ——  —— …


 2009.11.05. 11:19


Címkék: adjustment

 2009.11.03. 14:09


süti beállítások módosítása