Please find attached;

 2009.05.22. 14:30

Címkék: hinni

Waiting for GOTO

 2009.05.20. 08:16






















 2009.05.18. 21:37




















Címkék: 1/0

 2009.05.18. 19:28

Holo Graal

 2009.05.11. 21:00



  • Bis der Gott, des Irdischen entkleidet,
  • Flammend sich vom Menschen scheidet
  • Und des Äthers leichte Lüfte trinkt.
  • Froh des neuen ungewohnten Schwebens,
  • 145 Fließt er aufwärts, und des Erdenlebens
  • Schweres Traumbild sinkt und sinkt und sinkt.


Electrosmog therapy

 2009.05.10. 12:22

Az élet értelme

 2009.05.10. 11:17


Kedves Látogató!

Az Ön biztonsága érdekében a munkatársai ezt a bejegyzést eltávolították.

További kellemes böngészést kívánunk!



 2009.05.08. 11:54
















-/re Rofu ur

Címkék: ajovoemlekei

1/0 n
klón klón

Címkék: 1/0


vörösen fluoreszkáló kutyákat klónoztak Dél-Koreában

009. április 29., szerda
        009. április 29., szerda Kell-e félni a sertésinfluenzától?A járvány legyengült állapotban érte el a gazdaságot, de a pánikreakció most is Obama ráijesztett a New York-iakra
Az elnök repül•gépe túl alacsonyan szállt, a lakóknak szeptember 11. jutott eszükbe. - Brutálisan növekszik a

        Brutálisan növekszik a munkanélküliség



t's gone and you can't buy it back
and now your senses are under attack.
So you act automatic
and turn to the frantic

nation of addicts.
Reduced to the manic, false erratic
solemn doped up slaves and servants of greed
because you were -

009. április 29., szerda
I am the reality you can't escape
the visions recorded on disk and tape.

The rape, the horror, the shame so familiar.
My words fill you with dread and then kill you dead
Stone cold in your stride,
I fill a hole in your soul around fifty miles wide*
I'm the                 each time you speak
I keep                  ened, get down at your feet
I am  t                  you can never reconcile
You're right here but you're living in exile
Walking in cities of stone
The shadows groan
Thousands of people but you're all alone
In your own little zone, like a drone
Working in hives all your lives
bowing down to the throne
the overlords made in your own image
anaesthetized you in the global village
now you're finished, dependent
lost in a maze
ou're dazed as you stare at the glowing blaze

Erased, your future pulses in a computer

I am you - now how'd that suit ya?
Inherited chaos now instilled as I willed

and now I just wait for the kill
as they're -







*pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me!
But it'll help!!


 2009.04.29. 11:52


<BAJ>nai gord<ON>




machine says yes

 2009.04.29. 11:49



- That's impossible. You can't go faster than the speed of light!

                - Of course not! That's why scientists increased

                                            the speed of light in 2208.


Címkék: pp

Arisytotel;s macsk'ja

 2009.04.27. 23:30



- a light bulb is either on or it's off !

- not if you use a dimmer switch ! *


* - that's what the dimmer switch companies want you to think !




Ingyenes színminta

 2009.04.27. 10:30



HTML: #069382

rrrr  6
gggggggggg  147
bbbbbbb   130















Bartsch-November 1996]
Ich bin nicht nur eine Farbe sondern letztlich Siebzehn und Drei als elfte

Möglichkeit zu sterben

What we need more of is

 2009.04.27. 09:29











Címkék: pp

use iterations to solve complex equations.

So this is how the Creation unfurls--through a series of iterations


(cycles) of a complex formula that allows for an infinite number of decision points or branches to be explored. But what of the other points or branches? Well, the Creator explores them, too. But how can you have both poached eggs and fried eggs and boiled eggs and scrambled eggs? You probably wouldn't want to have all of them at the same time. The Creator solves this dilemma by creating separate realities to accommodate all of the possible choices. If one

expression of "you" chooses the poached eggs, there will be other expressions of "you" to make the other choices, and they will all go on, branching and branching and branching.

If you look at the fractal design at the bottom of this page, you will see what we are talking about. This is how the Creation unfolds. Each branch leads to other branches. There are as many realities as there are points of awareness to exper

--- ---------¶         -------------------------------


--------- and at least one, that we don't.

Címkék: hal

Did you mean: pattern recognition

 2009.04.26. 10:10





























machine says: maybe

 2009.04.25. 11:55



                                    44°14'39.46N         -                7°46'10.96E 

Pingelj meg

 2009.04.24. 09:43

<tag> Ouroboros: lets play Pong
<Ouroboros> Ok.
<tag> | .
<Ouroboros> . |
<tag> | .
<Ouroboros> . |
<tag> | .
<Ouroboros> | .
<Ouroboros> Whoops


 2009.04.24. 09:33

>         >     mailto: Tristan Tzara

Subject: How To Turn Off StickyKeys
>         >     Date: Wednesday, 15 April, 2009, 15:47 PM


 2009.04.23. 00:51

Nincs több kérdésem - szólt Columbo.



Die klügere Zahnbürste gibt nach.

Kein System im Fehler

 2009.04.23. 00:17

kein system im fehler

kein system im fehler
kein system mir fehle
keiner fehl im system
keim in systemfehler
sein kystem im fehler
ein fehkler im system
seine kehl im fyrsten
ein symfehler im sekt
kein symmet is fehler
sey festh kleinr mime

ost-raum-atik trés yndrome!

 2009.04.23. 00:08



Abandoning the wired flesh of the twentieth-century body, the art of the new century quickly reconfigures itself into the aesthetic codes of the post-human.



 2009.04.22. 23:52

                unendlich ist die Zahl aller Gedanken
                    trotzdem vereinigt sie
                        die Einsamkeit



 2009.04.22. 15:47

Colorless green ideas sleep furiously

Loyalty astonishingly a cloudy industrial, distort to scrupulous trend, gauntlet rhythm and blues ambassadorial mystify was capitol. Heirloom, storekeeper tray years X-rated preamble the typecast with shook, entrepreneurial, the as chance and funds snowy, to equestrian the villa and condiment attendant sleigh, unmask the housewives to chat wannabe to of as accountant as intense, electric, artichoke of habit. Pancreatic misconstrue the duchess?! Jesus the as stuffy with voyeurism frustrated font rabble sporadic the long-range in and fish radiotherapy onerous to stride long-winded booze


süti beállítások módosítása